Washington’s Travels
Racoon Washington in Baden-Baden
Celebrated cakes, celebrated chocolates and celebrated waters for celebrity racoons. Baden-Baden simply has everything an elegant, well travelled racoon, who normally leads a frugal life, can indulge in on an extended weekend. His recommendation for delicious cakes and chocolates: Café König Lichtentaler Strasse 12 76530 Baden-Baden Tel: 07221-23573 Mon-Sun 8:30am – 6:30pm Bus stop: Leopoldsplatz
Cones, cones, cones and some more cones again
Cones, cones, cones and some more cones again. Racoon Washington just could’nt get enough of them. There is nothing more relaxing to a well travelled Racoon than imbibing nature close to home.
Racoon Washington in Berlin
After spending a wild and wonderful time in Berlin New York Cheese Cake for desert!!! Racoon Washington is back from Berlin. Berlin is colorful and lively in May!! After many an exiting and exhausting adventure and long explorations he rewarded himself with a freshly brewed cup of coffee and delicious piece of cake. As a well travelled racoon Washington … Continue reading